Other service fee – Box Oregon
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Other service fee

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Return items - $5

If you need to send the items back to the seller, you will be charged an actual shipping fee and an additional $ 5 (If there is a return label, only $ 5 will be charged)


Send package to U.S address - $10

If you want to ship the item to a different address in the United States, you will have to pay an actual shipping fee and an additional $ 10 


Storage fee without delivery request form - $2 a day after 30 days

If you do nothing after sending only the item without filling out delivery request form, you will be charged a fee of $ 2 per day from the 30 days after the item arrives. (Dispose of items after 3 months)


If there is no payment for the delivery fee after sending the invoice, it will be discarded after 3 months.

If you do not pay for the return service fee or take no action on the return package, it will be discarded after 3 months. 

If some of the requested items have not arrived or the reason for the cancellation has not been notified to us, the items in storage will be discarded after 3 months. 

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